What is the date of the parade?
The Light Up Bedford Parade is held annually on the 3rd Sunday of November starting at 5:45PM.
What is the route of the parade?
The parade lines up at DeWolf park along Waterfront Drive. At 5:45PM the parade will commence up Convoy run and right onto the Bedford Hwy. The parade will continue along the Bedford Hwy until the last bridge at Bedford Place Mall.
Can we enter a walking group?
Yes, though all walkers MUST be lit up with lights. This is a parade of lights and for safety we require anyone walking to also have lights on them.
Is this a rain or shine event?
Yes, we proceed rain or shine.
Is my vehicle Insurance card my proof of Liability Insurance?
No, Proof of Liability Insurance will resemble something like this (see diagram below) and can be requested from your insurance provider. Please email a copy to lightupbedfordparade@gmail.com, Subject: Insurance Proof/(Entry Name).
Who do I contact if I have more questions?